Insurance Claims Adjusters and Public Adjusters need a deep understanding of the homeowner policy to determine what’s covered and what’s not. Insurance Agents and CSRs also benefit from knowing how to navigate the contract to know when additional policies or endorsements are needed to protect their customers' financial interests. This course explores these helpful concepts.What the homeowners’ policy is designed to cover and whyHow to navigate the policy contract to find exclusions a..
Insurance Claims Adjusters and Public Adjusters need a deep understanding of the homeowner policy to determine what’s covered and what’s not. Insurance Agents and CSRs also benefit from knowing how to navigate the contract to know when additional policies or endorsements are needed to protect their customers' financial interests. This course explores these helpful concepts.What the homeowners’ policy is designed to cover and whyHow to navigate the policy contract to find exclusions a..
This class satisfies the requirement that Public Adjusters complete a Law and Ethics Update course specifically approved for Public Adjusters every 2 years, which is specific to the license held by the licensee, and covers Regulatory awareness, Licensing requirements, Insurance laws, Ethical requirements, Disciplinary and industry trends, and more. The course includes six multiple-choice Unit Quizzes and one Final Exam. It is designed as a self-paced course done entirely online at you..
This class is available for all insurance agents for CE
credit, but was written especially for Commercial Lines Agents and Customer
Service Reps who specialize or want to specialize in serving the small business
market in their community. The purpose
of this class is to familiarize you with the many different types of insurance
products that are available for this market.
As a Florida General Lines Agent or CSR, you are licensed to provide all
of the products covered in this c..
This course covers the changing landscape of Health Care over the last several years. The online course consists of 5 areas of study including the background, history, and legislation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), implementation timeline – with a brief overview of the Health Care Law, plans available and enrollment procedures, the cost to taxpayers and laws affecting small businesses, and how agents can be involved through training and resources. If the law is repeal..
This course covers the changing landscape of Health Care over the last several years. The online course consists of 5 areas of study including the background, history, and legislation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), implementation timeline – with a brief overview of the Health Care Law, plans available and enrollment procedures, the cost to taxpayers and laws affecting small businesses, and how agents can be involved through training and resources. If the law is repeal..
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that will probably ultimately resolved
through legislation and court decisions. Coverages affected include property, general
liability and workers compensation. The coverage causing the biggest uproar from
unhappy insureds is Business Interruption. Questions have also arisen on employee injuries
usually insured under a workers compensation policy. This issue has come to the fore
with the exposure of medical personnel to ..
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that will probably ultimately
resolved through legislation and court decisions. Coverages affected include
property, general liability and workers compensation. The coverage causing
the biggest uproar from unhappy insureds is Business
Interruption. Questions have also arisen on employee injuries usually
insured under a workers compensation policy. This issue has come to the
fore with the exposure of medical personnel to the virus..
This class satisfies the requirement that 2-14, 2-15, and 2-40 Agents complete a Law and Ethics Update course every 2 years, which is specific to the license held by the licensee and covers industry law updates, premium discounts, ethics, disciplinary trends, industry trends, and suitability of insurance products. This online course is divided into 4 areas of study, including Regulatory Awareness, Insurance Laws and Updates, Ethical Requirements and Disciplinary and Industry Trends) with f..
This class satisfies the requirement that Adjusters complete a Law and Ethics Update course every 2 years, which is specific to the license held by the licensee, and covers Regulatory awareness, Licensing requirements, Department communications, Insurance laws, Ethical requirements, Disciplinary and industry trends, and much more. The course includes seven multiple-choice Unit Quizzes and one Final Exam. It is designed as a self-paced self-study course done entirely online at you..
The Surplus Lines Agent License (1-20) allows the licensee to handle the placement of insurance coverages with unauthorized insurers and to place such coverages with authorized insurers as to which the licensee is not licensed as an agent. The Surplus Lines CE Course provides an overview of surplus lines insurance, the regulatory processes, distribution systems, unauthorized insurance entities and details on the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office (FSLSO), Rules of Practice and the Florida Stat..
This 4-hour Continuing Education course is entitled "Long-Term Care NAIC 4-hour Refresher Class: Partnership Programs, LTC Insurance and LTC Services." This class is written to satisfy the NAIC requirement
for ongoing insurance agent training on long-term care. The training consists
of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, state
partnership programs, and available long-term care providers. In addition, this course will provide
an in-depth discussion of tr..
This course is designed as a continuing education course especially beneficial for 2-15 and 2-40 licensed agents, but may be taken by all agents and adjusters (other than 3-20 public adjusters). Unit 1 covers most Health Insurance Types of Policies and Unit 2 covers associated Policy Provisions. This course is an Immediate Level continuing education course and has been approved by the Department of Financial Services for 7 hours of CE credit.
This course includes lessons in these areas of stu..
This 4 hour Continuing Education course is entitled "Consumer Protections for Annuity and Life Insurance Transactions". In this class, you will learn about the Florida and Federal laws that deal with annuity and life insurance transactions. Most importantly, you will learn what Agents must do in order to protect consumers. In this class, we trace the legislative history of consumer protection for annuity purchases. In Florida, it began with protecting our most vulnerable citizens: Se..
This course covers the changing landscape of Health Care over the last several years. The online course consists of 5 areas of study including the background, history, and legislation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), implementation timeline – with a brief overview of the Health Care Law, plans available and enrollment procedures, the cost to taxpayers and laws affecting small businesses, and how agents can be involved through training and resources. If the law is repeal..